You most definitely do not need to speak a word of Spanish to enjoy collecting Latin American stamps.
But having a grasp of some of the commonly used terms can be very helpful in maximising your understanding and enjoyment, not least when it comes to deciphering the text in Spanish language catalogues.
Online translation tools can certainly be helpful but they don’t always convey the correct meaning in philatelic terms. The language of philately has its own nuances and quirks which online dictionaries and apps can often struggle with.
The glossary below contains most philatelic words and phrases that you are likely to come across. With well over three-hundred entries, you are unlikely to come across a more comprehensive resource.
Colours have their own look up table: there are over one hundred colour combinations. The table can be found by scrolling down to the bottom of the page.
The glossary works both ways: Spanish to English and English to Spanish. Just click on the preferred language to re-order the list. Or use the Search Box to find any phrase that contains the word you are looking for.
If you spot any errors or have suggestions for additional entries, please let me know.
A la derecha | Towards the right |
A la izquierda | Towards the left |
Abajo | Below |
Abierto | Open |
Abril | April |
Achatado | Lower |
Acostado | Horizontal |
Agencia | Receiving office with no registration facilities |
Agente postal | Postal agent (often a forwarder) |
Agosto | August |
Al mismo nivel | At the same level |
Al remitente | Return to sender |
Al reverso | On the back |
Alejado | Separated |
Alto | High; at the top; up |
Altura | Height |
Ambos | Both |
Ancho | Wide |
Ano | Year |
Anulado con barras | Barred (postmark) |
Arriba | Above; at the top |
Ausente | Not at home |
Bajo | Low; at the bottom |
Bandaleta | Slogan postmark |
Bisectado | Bisected; halved |
Bloque | Miniature sheet |
Bloque de cuatro | Block of four |
Borde | Margin |
Burilazo | Plate scratch |
Buzon | Letter box |
Cada | Each |
Cambio de color | Change of colour |
Cancelacion | Cancellation |
Cancelado | Cancelled |
Cancelado a pluma | Pen cancelled |
Cantidad | Quantity |
Cargo a cobrar | Charge to pay |
Carta | Letter |
Carta postal | Perforated letter card |
Cartero | Postman |
Casilla de correo | PO box |
Centrado | Centered |
Centro | Center/Centre |
Certificado | Registered letter |
Chata | Flat |
Chiquita | Small |
Cierre oficial | Official seal |
Cifra | Cipher; numeral |
Cinquenta | Fifty |
Circulo | Circle |
Color de la sobrecarga | Colour of overprint |
Completo | Complete |
Con | With |
Con aviso de retorno | Advice of delivery |
Con hueco | With punched hole |
Con zanja en media | Gutter pair |
Conocido | Known |
Contramarca | Overprint |
Contramarcado | Overprinted |
Correo | Post; mail |
Correo aereo | Airmail |
Correo central | Central or General Post Office |
Correo oficial | Official mail |
Correo maritimo | Maritime mail |
Correo urbano | Letter delivered to home address |
Corrido | Misplaced; shifted |
Cuadernillo | Booklet |
Cuadriculado | Quadrille |
Cuadro | Block or pane |
Cuatro | Four |
Cuno | Die |
Dado | Die |
Danada | Damaged |
Debido a | Because of |
Decreto | Decree |
Dentado | Perforated |
Dentado de peine | Comb perforation |
Dentado en linea | Line perforation |
Dentar | Perforation |
Defectuoso | Defective |
Delgado | Thin |
Dentado | Perforated |
De oficio | Official mail |
De otro color | Of different colour |
Derecho | Right-hand side |
Desde | From; since |
Despues | After (in time) |
Despues de hora | Too late for despatch (by ship, plane or train) |
Dia de emision | Day of issue |
Diciembre | December |
Diez | Ten |
Diseno | Design |
Doble | Double |
Doble impresion | Double printing |
Dos | Two |
Ejemplar | Example |
Emision | Issue |
Emision conmemorativo | Commemorative issue |
Emision de beneficienncia | Charity issue |
Emision local | Local |
Emitido | Issued; put on sale |
En dos lineas | In two lines |
En lugar de | Instead of; in place of |
En media | In the middle |
Encomienda | Parcel |
Enero | January |
Ensayo | Essay |
Entre | Between |
Entrega inmediata | Special delivery |
Escudo de armas | Coat of arms |
Espacio blanco entre dos grupos | Gutter |
Espeso | Thick |
Estafeta | Receiving office that includes registration of letters |
Estafeta ambulante | By rail; travelling post office |
Estafeta fluvial | River post office |
Estafeta maritima | Sea post office |
Estampilla | Stamp |
Estrecho | Narrow |
Estrella | Star |
Expreso | Express or special delivery letter |
Exterior | Mail going or coming from abroad |
Faja | Newspaper wrapper |
Falsificacion | Forgery; fake |
Falso | Faked; forged |
Falta de franqueo | Insufficient postage |
Febrero | February |
Fecha | Date |
Fechador | Date stamp |
Fijasellos | Hinge |
Filigrana | Watermark |
Filigrana acostado | Sideways watermark |
Fondo | Background |
Fotograbados | Photogravure |
Fotolitografiados | Photo lithographed |
Fragmento | Part cover |
Franca | Postage paid (19th century) |
Franqueado | Postage paid; franked |
Franqueo | Postage |
Franqueo a pagar | Postage to be collected upon delivery |
Franqueo oficial | Official mail |
Franqueo pagado | Postage paid, often in advance |
Fuera de curso | Obsolete |
Fuera de radio | Outside delivery area |
Goma | Gum |
Grabados | Engraved; recess printed |
Grueso | Thick; heavy |
Grupo | Pane |
Hacia abajo | Downward |
Hacia arriba | Upward |
Hecho | Made |
Hilera | Row or file |
Hoja | Sheet |
Hojita | Small or souvenir sheet |
Horadado con alfileres | Pin perforation |
Hueco | Hole |
Hueco grabado | Recess printing |
Igual | Equal |
Imperforado | Imperforate |
Impresion | Printing |
Impresion en relieve | Embossing |
Impreso | Printed |
Impresos | Printed matter |
Imprimir | To print |
Inferior | Low position |
Inscripcion | Inscription |
Interior | National mail or mail destined for neighbouring countries |
Interrumpido | Broken |
Invertido | Inverted |
Izquierdo | Left hand side |
Julio | July |
Junio | June |
Lado | Side (left or right) |
Letra | Letter |
Levantado | Raised (in position) |
Ley | Law |
Libre de porte | Postage free |
Librito de franqueo | Stamp booklet |
Linea | Line |
Liso | Smooth |
Listado | Laid |
Litographia | Lithography |
Lugar | Place |
Mai | May |
Mal estado | Found in damaged condition |
Maquina franqueada | Postmarking machine; meter cancelling |
Marco | Frame; border |
Margen | Stamp margin |
Marquilla | Postal marking |
Marzo | March |
Mas | More |
Matasellado | Cancellation |
Matasellos | Cancellation |
Matasello de favor | Cancelled to order |
Medio | Half; middle |
Medio pliego | Half sheet |
Montado | Mounted (as a die proof on card) |
Mordido | Worn; defective; broken |
Mudo | Dumb cancellation |
Muestra | Specimen stamp |
Multa; multas | Postage due; fine |
Nacimiento | Birth |
Navidad | Christmas |
Nivel | Level |
No dan razon; se mudo | Gone away; no known address |
No oficial | Unofficial |
No se conoce | Not known |
Non | No; not |
Non-emis | Unissued |
Noviembre | November |
Nuevo | Unused |
Numero | Number |
Obliteracion | Obliteration |
Octubre | October |
Oficina de abonados | Office for sorting letters for PO boxes |
Oficina de clasificacion | Sorting office |
Oficina de distribucion | Delivery office |
Oficina de rentas | Office for purchasing fiscal/tax stamps |
Oficina postal ambulante | By rail; travelling post office |
Oscuro | Dark |
Palido | Pale |
Papel | Paper |
Papel avitelado | Wove paper |
Papel blanco | White paper |
Papel coloreado | Tinted paper |
Papel con filamentos | Granite paper |
Papel delgado | Thin paper |
Papel estucado | Chalk surfaced paper |
Papel glaseado | Coated paper |
Papel marquilla | Card stock |
Papel periodico | Newsprint |
Papel transparente | Thin, semi-transparent paper |
Par | Pair |
Pareja | Pair |
Partido en dos | Bisected |
Pequeno | Small |
Perforacion | Perforation |
Perforar | To perforate |
Perforado en lineas | Roulette |
Picado | Rouletted |
Picado a serpentina | Serpentine roulette |
Picado en zigzag | Zigzag roulette |
Picadura | Roulette |
Plancha | Plate or setting |
Plancha quebrado | Cracked plate |
Pliego | Sheet |
Por | For; by |
Por avion | By airmail |
Porte | Postage rate |
Porte a cobrar | Postage to pay |
Porte franco | Postage free |
Preobliteracion | Pre-cancellation |
Primer | First |
Primer dia de emision | First day of issue |
Privado | Private |
Provisionales | Provisionals |
Provisorio | Provisional stamp |
Prueba | Proof |
Prueba de dado | Die proof |
Prueba de impresion | Proof |
Prueba de plancha | Plate proof |
Punto | Dot; point; period |
Quebrado | Broken |
Recto | Upright |
Redondo | Round |
Rehusada | Refused |
Reimpresion | Reprint |
Respuesta postal pagada | Reply paid letter on card |
Restante | Remainder |
Reves | Reverse |
Rombos | Lozenge (cancellation) |
Seccion filatelica | Philatelic bureau |
Seccional | Branch post office |
Segundo | Second |
Seis | Six |
Sellito de control | Control stamp used on certain official stamps |
Sello | Stamp |
Sello conmemorativo | Commemorative stamp |
Sello de certificado lettere | Registration stamp |
Sello de correo aereo | Airmail stamp |
Sello de correos | Postage stamp |
Sello de goma | Rubber stamp |
Sello de oficina | Official seal |
Sello de servicio | Official stamp |
Sello de tasa | Postage due stamp |
Sello de urgencia | Express letter stamp |
Sello fiscal | Fiscal stamp |
Sello fiscal postal | Postal fiscal stamp |
Sello para cartas retardadas | Too-late stamp |
Sello para paquete postal | Parcel post stamp |
Sello para periodicos | Newspaper stamp |
Sello postal | Stamp (in Argentina) |
Sellos de beneficia | Charity label |
Setiembre | September |
Siguiente | Following |
Sin | Without |
Sin cargo | No charge to be made |
Sin charnela | Unhinged |
Sin dentar | Imperforate |
Sin goma | No gum |
Sin perf en media | Imperforate between |
Sin perforar | Imperforate |
Sobre | Envelope |
Sobrecarga | Surcharge; overprint |
Sobrecargado | Surcharged |
Sobretasa aereo | Prepaid surcharge for airmail delivery |
Solamente | Only; alone |
Sucursal | Branch post office |
Suelto | Single |
Superior | Higher (in position) |
Tamano | Size |
Tarjeta postal | Postcard |
Tasa postal | Postal tax |
Tercera | Third |
Timbres | Revenue or tax stamp |
Tipo | Type |
Tipografia | Typography |
Tira | Strip |
Tirada | Issue |
Tiraje | Printing |
Todo | All; entire |
Tono | Shade |
Tres | Three |
Un, Una | One |
Unicamente | Only |
Usado | Used |
Valor | Value |
Valor declarado | Insured letter |
Valores | Values |
Variedad de color | Colour variety |
Vease | See; refer to |
Via aerea | By airmail |
Via maritima | By sea mail |
Via superficie or via terrestre | By surface mail |
Zanja | Gutter |
Colours (or Colors, as you prefer)
Amarillento | Yellowish |
Amarillo | Yellow |
Amarillo naranja | Orange yellow |
Amarillo oliva | Olive yellow |
Amarillo verdoso | Greenish yellow |
Anaranjado | Orange |
Anteado | Buff |
Azul | Blue |
Azul acero | Steel blue |
Azul apagado | Dull blue |
Azul claro | Light blue |
Azul de Prusia | Prussian blue |
Azul gris | Gray blue |
Azul indigo | Indigo |
Azul oscuro | Deep blue; dark blue |
Azul pizzara | Slate blue |
Azul turbio | Chalky blue |
Azul turquesa | Turquoise blue |
Azul verdoso | Greenish blue |
Azul violeta | Violet blue |
Azul vivo | Bright blue |
Azulado | Bluish |
Bermellon | Vermilion |
Blanco | White |
Café | Brown |
Cafe amarillo | Yellow brown |
Cafe oscuro | Dark brown |
Carmesi | Crimson |
Carmin | Carmine |
Castano | Chestnut brown |
Castano amarillo | Yellow brown |
Castano bistre | Bistre brown |
Castano laca | Lake brown |
Castano naranja | Orange brown |
Castano negruzco | Blackish brown |
Castano oliva | Olive brown |
Castano purpura | Purple brown |
Castano rojizo | Red brown |
Castano rojo | Chestnut |
Celeste | Light blue |
Cinabrio | Vermilion |
Claro | Bright |
Cobalto | Cobalt |
Color de ceresa | Cerise |
Color de ciruela | Plum |
Dorado | Gold |
Escarlata | Scarlet |
Esmerelda | Emerald |
Gris | Gray |
Gris azulado | Blue gray |
Gris negro | Black gray |
Gris oliva | Olive gray |
Gris oscuro | Dark gray |
Guaria | Red violet |
Laca | Lake |
Lila | Lilac |
Lila pizarra | Slate lilac |
Lila rojizo | Reddish lilac |
Limon | Lemon |
Malva | Mauve |
Marron | Maroon |
Morado | Deep purple |
Multicolores | Multicoloured |
Naranja | Orange |
Naranja amarillo | Yellow orange |
Naranja oscuro | Dark orange |
Naranja rojizo | Red orange |
Negro | Black |
Ocre | Ochre |
Oliva | Olive; olive green |
Oliva amarillo | Yellow olive |
Oliva negruzco | Blackish olive |
Pardo | Brown |
Pizarra | Slate |
Pizarro | Dark Gray |
Plateado | Silver |
Policromo | Multicoloured |
Purpura | Purple |
Purpura castano | Brown purple |
Purpura pizarra | Slate purple |
Purpura rojizo | Reddish purple |
Purpura rojo oscuro | Maroon |
Purpura turbio | Dull purple |
Purpura vivo | Bright purple |
Rojizo | Reddish |
Rojo | Red |
Rojo cafe | Brown red |
Rojo carmine | Carmine red |
Rojo castano | Brown red |
Rojo ladrillo | Brick red |
Rojo naranja | Orange red |
Rojo rosado | Rose red |
Rojo vinoso | Claret |
Rosa | Rose; pink |
Rosado | Rose |
Ultramar | Ultramarine |
Verde | Green |
Verde amarillo | Yellow green |
Verde azul | Blue green |
Verde azulado oscuro | Deep bluish green |
Verde bronce | Bronze green |
Verde esmeralda | Emerald green |
Verde gris | Gray green |
Verde manzana | Apple green |
Verde negruzco | Blackish green |
Verde oliva | Olive green |
Verde oscuro | Dark green |
Verde pizarra | Slate green |
Verde turbio | Dull green |
Verde turquesa | Turquoise green |
Verde vivo | Bright green |
Verdoso | Greenish |
Vino | Claret |
Violeta | Violet |
Violeta azulado | Bluish violet |
Violeta rojizo | Reddish violet |